鄂中区域大雾天气中地基GPS监测的水汽总量及其演变分析----何盛浩 周志敏 梁涛(6-16)
Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapor from Ground-Based GPS and Its Evolution in Heavy Fog in Central Hubei -
江苏一次灾害性大风天气过程分析----王易 韩桂荣 曹舒娅 刘安宁(17-21)
Analysis of a Damaging Wind Event in Jiangsu -
沉积物色度在古环境重建中的应用----李杨 方晶 潘隆 王福(22-27)
Application of Sediment Chromaticity in Paleo-Environment Reconstruction -
上海佘山国家旅游度假区气象环境条件分析----荣裕良 张霞 贺千山(28-32)
Analysis of Meteorological Effect on the Sheshan National Tourist Resorts in Shanghai -
Analysis of a Summer Thunderstorm in the Northern Henan Province
2018进展报告 华云科技
LPA10激光雨滴谱仪的定标及观测对比----张建云 张垚(62-70)
Calibration and Comparative Observation of LPA10 Laser-Optical Disdrometer -
华云高精度导航探空仪在甘肃庆阳干旱气候夏季的温湿数据对比分析----杨加春 钱媛 徐洁 李庆军(71-76)
Analysis of Temperature and Humidity Data of Huayun High Accuracy Navigation Radiosonde in Arid Climate Summer in Qingyang, Gansu Province -
利用集合深度学习方法融合多源数据开发全国能见度网格数据----吕宝磊 胡泳涛 李林 梁海河 刘钧 王晓江(77-82)
Fuse Multiple Data Sources with an Ensemble Deep Learning Approach to Estimate Nationwide Gridded Visibility -
一种天气雷达天线指向自动检测技术----张建云 张垚(83-88)
An Automatic Detection Technology for the Weather Radar Antenna Pointing Error -
雨滴谱式降水现象仪降水类型判定算法优化探究----杨宁 张晋 刘钧(89-94)
Research on the Algorithm Optimization of Precipitation Type Recognition Based on Raindrop Spectrum Precipitation Phenomenon Instrument -
增雨防雹火箭弹催化剂播撒技术的对比研究----王文韬 贾烁 王大旺 刘永德(95-101)
Comparative Study in Catalyst Seeding Technology of Rocket for Rain Enhancement or Hail Suppression -
边界层风廓线雷达发射机放大链路设计与实现----刘宁波 段士军 刘强 李翠娜 杜广涛 张翠卿(102-107)
Design and Implementation of Amplified Link of Radar Transmitter in Boundary Layer Wind Profiler -
一种利用电磁兼容技术提高风廓线雷达探测能力的方法----吴维 段士军 王亚东(108-111)
A Method for Improving the Detection Ability of Wind Profiler Radar by Using EMC Technology -
新一代天气雷达标准化信号处理器设计与应用----崔劼 张垚 孙召平 刘强(112-120)
The Design and Applications of a Standardized Signal Processors in the New Generation of Weather Radar