近十年中国气象科技成果概述----雷小途 刘伟东 赵瑞 闫冠华(6-11)
An Overview on the Achievements of Meteorological Science and Technology in China -
WRF模式中不同边界层及云微物理方案对两次黄海海雾个例数值模拟的影响----饶莉娟 高山红 张恺(12-19)
Impact of Boundary Layer and Cloud Microphysics Schemes in WRF Model on Numerical Simulation of Two Yellow Sea Fog Cases -
一种中尺度数值预报模式数据并行传输应用研究----赵磊 高松 吴钲 杜钦(20-25)
Parallel Transmission of Data from a Mesoscale Numerical Prediction Model: An Application Study -
2016年冬季河南三次持续污染过程的环流及关键气象要素特征----谷秀杰 冯丽莎 田力 董贞花 王友贺(26-34)
Circulation and Key Meteorological Factors for the Three Consecutive Air Pollution Processes in Henan During the Winter of 2016 -
2009—2017年上海市雷电活动及灾害时空特征研究----樊蕴馨 徐伟 莫丽(35-39)
Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Lighting and Disasters in Shanghai from 2009 to 2017
2005—2017年白云机场能见度变化特征及其与影响因子关系研究----郭智亮 高聪晖 谢文锋 陈淑敏 黎伟标(40-43)
Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Visibility in Baiyun Airport from 2005 to 2017 -
湖南省雷电活动及雷灾特征分析----贺秋艳 刘越屿 杨加艳 郭斌(44-48)
Characteristics of Lightning Activity and Lightning Disaster in Hunan -
VR技术在地面气象观测设备保障技能培训中的应用----段文广 刘燕 段文强 石永玮 李秋明 贾亦阳(49-52)
VR Technology Application in the Skills Training for Guarantee of the Ground Meteorological Observation Equipment
专题 基层气象现代化
一次燕山南麓局地大暴雨的成因分析及数值预报检验----崔粉娥 畅巨峥 燕成玉 张晨宇(53-60)
The Cause and Numerical Prediction of a Strong Convective Weather Process at the Southern Foot of Yanshan -
Precipitation and Air Temperature Characteristics and Karst Landform Solubility Analysis for Recent Half Century in Leishan Guizhou
不同情形下温度低于0 ℃时饱和水汽压的计算----李薇 谷笑楠 胡靖彪 王超群 齐颖 汪晓梅(82-85)
Calculation of Saturated Vapor Pressure at Temperatures Below 0 ℃ Under Different Conditions -
Evolution and Benefit Analyses of Weather Modification Operation Capacity in Baishan City -
Quality Analysis and Assessment of Rainfall Data at Regional Automatic Weather Stations in Jilin Province -
一次东北冷涡天气过程雷电气象潜势条件诊断分析----吴曼丽 陈力强(95-99/117)
Diagnosis and Analysis of Meteorological Potential Conditions of Lightning in the Northeast Cold Vortex, China
物联网技术在人工影响天气业务中的应用----张小培 李宏宇(100-103)
Application of IoT Technology in Weather Modification -
吉林省一次飞机增雨过程方案设计及效果分析----孙海燕 谷笑楠 王旗 齐彦斌(104-109)
A Case Study of Design and Effectiveness Analysis of the Rainfall Enhancement by Aircraft in Jilin Province -
吉林省人工影响天气地面业务现状及发展需求分析----邢凤娟 许乐 穆清晨 王德鑫 崔红(110-112)
Analysis of the Current Ground Weather Modification Operation Situation and Development Demands in Jilin Province