- “Nordhaus 是早期从人类福祉的角度思考气候变化的学者,没有他也不会有气候经济学这样的学科。” “Nordhaus was in a position early on to think about climate change from a human-welfare and well-being perspective. Without him, there wouldn’t be such a subject of climate economics.”
- “第一步要展示这类卫星的观测如何被利用,我们选择位于美国、欧洲、非洲和澳大利亚总计9个地点。我们利用4种可观测土壤湿度卫星,从空间测得两次连续土壤湿度观测之间灌溉的水供给量。” “As a first step to demonstrating how this type of satellite measurements could be used, we chose nine sites in all – sites in the US, Europe, Africa and Australia. We took four satellite mis...
- “当全球冰川萎缩时,会大幅度改变其特征。对Taan Fjord冰川而言,带来的结果就是巨大海啸的发生。海啸因2015年10月发生在20世纪后期严重退缩的冰川之上的大规模滑坡触发 “As glaciers thin around the world, they are modifying their landscapes dramatically. In the case of Taan Fjord, the result was a massive tsunami. The tsunami was triggered by a massive landsl...
- “云通过传输热量和水汽,反射和吸收太阳辐射,吸收红外热辐射和产生降水,在地球气候中起重要作用。但是云可以小到几百米,较标准的气候模式50到100千米的网格分辨率小很多, “Clouds play a major role in the Earth's climate by transporting heat and moisture, reflecting and absorbing the sun's rays, trapping infrared heat rays and producing precipitation. But they c...
- “这些合同代表将商业领域创新纳入 NOAA 挽救生命天气预警使命的又一个步骤。通过合作验证商业圈的能力及新的商业模式,我们继续优化观测的作用和减轻纳税人的负担。” “These contracts represent another step toward bringing commercial sector innovation to NOAA’s mission of delivering life-saving weather forecasts and warnings. By collaboratively testing com...
- “我们确定,在登陆后的前8天,哈维导致降水中有30%被捕获或储存在陆地上——最主要是以水面上的积水形式。在风暴过后的最初几天,大约有60%的水流失或排入海洋和加尔维斯顿湾, “"We determined that in the first eight days post-landfall, 30 percent of Harvey's stormwater was captured or stored on land -- most as standing water that sits on the surface. Around 60 perce...
- “ESA的SMOS卫星确实能够提供用于风暴预报的新信息,这些新数据我们将和传统数据源结合利用。SMOS 观测能帮助我们跟踪危险风暴的结构。将SMOS与美国类似的SMAP卫星结合起来,能提供监测风暴更及时的核心信息。” “ESA’s SMOS mission can give us really interesting new information for operational storm forecasting, which we hope to use along with our traditional sources of data. SMOS measurements can he...
- 善变的美国总统 Donald Trump 针对气候变化的表态,根据媒体报道,似乎发生了某种改变 善变的美国总统 Donald Trump 针对气候变化的表态,根据媒体报道,似乎发生了某种改变,以下是其接受记者(Lesley Stahl)采访时最开始的几句对话: —Lesley Stahl: Do you still think that climate c...
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