- “我们探测到平流层臭氧层低层意外的减少,其后果是它正在抵消掉我们一直期待看到的臭氧恢复。” “ We’ve detected unexpected decreases in the lower part of the stratospheric ozone layer, and the consequence of this result is that it’s offsetting the recovery in ozone that we had expected to...
“The long-term temperature trend is far more important than the ranking of individual years, and that trend is an upward one.”
- “这几乎肯定是一个保守的估计。我们的推断假设海平面未来的变化是过去25年的持续。考虑到我们今天见到的冰盖大的变化,这几乎是不可能的。” “This is almost certainly a conservative estimate. Our extrapolation assumes that sea level continues to change in the future as it has over the last 25 years. Given the large changes we areseeing...
- “我们目前针对南大洋云、气溶胶和降水特征的认识很多来自基于卫星的估计,具有不确定性且很少和独立数据进行比较。SOCRATES项目期间收集到的数据还能让我们评估当前南大洋卫星数据, “Much of what we currently know about Southern Ocean cloud, aerosol, and precipitation properties comes from satellite-based estimates, which are uncertain and have undergone few comparisons again...
“The Weather Channel is a great fit with our portfolio. We're going to invest to provide weather news nationally and globally.”
- “目前我们比以往更需要天气有序、气候智能和水智慧。这是因为全球人口不断增长面对更广泛的灾害,如热带气旋风暴潮、暴雨、热浪、干旱等等。因此,WMO致力于和全球国家气象和水文部门合作 “Now more than ever, we need to be weather-ready, climate-smart and water-wise. This is because the ever-growing global population faces a wide range of hazards such as tropical cyclone storm surg...
- “我们更进一步借助AccuWeather有序平台,努力向需要的人们提供保护生命的信息,当出现险情时向人们展示和传播灾害预防的新知识和工具,个性化天气信息让人们改善其生活。” “[We] take our commitment to delivering life-saving information to people in need even further with AccuWeather Ready, to educate and inform people with new weather preparedness updates and tools ...
- “科学家目前担心,除非在2020年前加速采取行动,否则巴黎目标无法达到。我现在开始怀疑,在世界接受挑战前还需要增加多少敲响的警钟。气候变化还在比目前更快的速度向前推进。” “Scientists are now worried that unless accelerated action is taken by 2020, the Paris goal may become unattainable. I am beginning to wonder how many more alarm bells must go off before the world...
- “我超级激动。我想,同时也感到责任重大。我在心底是一名预报员和气象学者。当我7岁是就一直告诉他人我想干气象。 “I’m super excited. I think, at the same time, really humbled. I’m a forecaster and meteorologist at heart. I’ve been telling everybody I’ve wanted to do this since I was 7 years old.We’re in...
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