


发布时间:2024-12-09 打印

     Contrasting Southern Ocean Sea Level Responses to Surface Flux Changes in Eddy-Rich and Eddy-Parameterized Climate Model Configurations

  The impact of ocean model resolution on sea level projections in the Southern Ocean is investigated using eddy-rich (ER) and eddy-parameterized configurations of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) 5-8.5 scenario.  We employ the Flux-Anomaly Forced Model Intercomparison Project (FAFMIP) experiment—heat, stress, and freshwater perturbations—at both resolutions to pinpoint the sources of these differences.  South of 55°S, we found that the changes in thermosteric and halosteric sea levels vary substantially between resolutions due to different responses to freshwater perturbations.  In the eddy-parameterized model, the resulting increase in stratification suppresses the mixing of salt and heat from the Circumpolar Deep Water with surface layers.  These cause differences in the response of surface fluxes and meridional transports yielding an increase in thermosteric sea levels and a decrease in halosteric sea levels.  In the eddy-rich configuration, the main driver of eddy-induced warming and salinification between 40° and 44°S is wind stress perturbations.  The efficiency of direct eddy effects in ER is restricted to small areas such as the Agulhas Retroflection, the Brazil–Malvinas confluence zone, the Tasman Sea, and, to some extent, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC).  Contrary to expectations, ACC transport increases in the eddy-rich model while decreasing in the eddy-parameterized model under the SSP5-8.5 scenario.  FAFMIP results reveal that this decrease is a result of the overcompensation of wind-induced changes by freshwater flux forcing.  These results underscore the critical importance of high-resolution models for capturing the processes in sea level projections in the Southern Ocean and beyond.

  利用Max Planck Institute(马克斯普朗克研究所)地球系统模式在共享社会经济路径(SSP) 5-8.5情景下的Eddy-rich (ER)和涡旋参数化配置,研究了海洋模式分辨率对南大洋海平面预估的影响。在两种分辨率下,使用通量-异常强迫模式相互比较项目(FAFMIP)实验-热、应力和淡水扰动-来确定这些差异的来源。结果发现,在55°S以南,由于对淡水扰动的不同响应,不同分辨率的热阻和盐阻海平面变化差异很大。在涡旋参数化模式中,由此产生的分层增加抑制了来自环极深水与表层的盐和热的混合。这导致地表通量和经向输送响应的差异,从而导致热阻海平面上升和盐阻海平面下降。在ER中,40°~ 44°S之间涡致升温和盐化的主要驱动因素是风应力扰动。ER中直接涡旋效应的效率仅限于小区域,如阿古拉斯反射率、巴西-马尔维纳斯汇流区、塔斯曼海,在一定程度上也包括南极绕极流(ACC)。与预期相反,在SSP5-8.5情景下,ER模式的ACC输运增加,而涡旋参数化模式的ACC输运减少。FAFMIP结果表明,这种减少是由于淡水通量强迫对风引起的变化的过度补偿。这些结果强调了高分辨率模式对于捕捉南大洋及其他地区海平面预测过程的关键重要性。

(本篇来源: 选编翻译:马杰

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